-10% General 1 Day - Non Residents €26.55 Buy Condiciones: The ticket will be valid for the day chosen in the calendar. Check the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase here. The purchase of the ticket implies acceptance of the Park Rules. Check them out here €29.50
Tickets Water Days - Non Residents €41.00 Buy Condiciones: Price per person to enhoy any 2 days of the season, selecting the first day of the visit. The ticket will be valid for the day chosen in the calendar. Check the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase here. The purchase of the ticket implies acceptance of the Park Rules. Check them out here
Tickets Annual Pass €115.00 Buy Conditions: Price per person to enjoy during the whole season 2025. Once the purchase has been made, it must be presented at the park for the production and delivery of the annual voucher. The annual pass is personal and non-transferable. Limited units. It is essential to present a personal identification document. The value of this voucher is...